The experience of using Reduslim

Capsules Reduslim: to share my experience

Hi everyone! Want to share your experiences using these capsules magic Reduslim.

The prehistory

Reduslim photo of the drug

I took 20 kg during pregnancy. Then all... the Power of the child, in fear, to be lost, the milk, the eternal tea with condensed milk, sandwiches with nut oil... And horror, after 7 months, the weight has increased 10 kg Total my weight was 100 kg with a height of 160 cm, and the size of the clothes with M increased to XXL. At 28 years old, a girl, this is a nightmare.

Each day started with the fact that I felt tired, passive and happy with what I look at. I was ashamed, that I occupy 2 seats on the subway, I can not fasten the seat belt in the car or put on shoes without heavy sighs, and the movements awkward. To please her husband, the speech in general was not. I had a lot of complex, that all is forgotten, I am still a woman, and the responsibilities has not been cancelled. But the idea of undressing when her husband, caused me horror. I couldn't look in the mirror. Very often, at night, when nobody saw it, I cried.

Don't remember how much it lasted, I lived as in a fog. But then I decided to take action. Hungry hungry, ate only fruit, saw vodichku, tried a dozen diets, ran the miles at the gym, even the hormone pills tried, but in vain, or rather the weight a bit faded, but then returned quickly.

Step into a new life

The photograph on the a result Reduslim before and after

On one of the forums read up on the tool slimming Reduslimimmediately considered how to use and ordered a course. Order shipped quickly. The application of the Reduslim very simple — 1 capsule per day. A pretty packaging on 10 days. Has received, as it seemed to me according to the instructions, but after 10 days, the result was not. In a month, I saw on the scale - 8 kg, But has decided to continue to receive and read the forums. It turned out that it was necessary to drink necessarily up to date at least two liters of water. I continued to the reception. After the second month has seen the result - 18! The circumference of the thighs has dropped by 15 cm, the size has had to be 18 to see

A lot of my friends learn and learn, he is highly surprised by the changes. The feeling was just divine, I so long dreamed of losing weight!